Thanks so much for visiting our site! We are Angie and Joey Hurst, the owners of Hurst Hollow Grows. Why are we called Hurst Hollow? Because we actually live in a hollow, between two ridges, where we only get full sun from 9 or 10 to 4 or 5 pm, depending on the time of year. What do we grow? A little bit of everything, from tomatoes and peppers to tulips, peonies, roses, sunflowers, zinnias, and our specialty, dahlias!

Joey has lived on this same street since he was a young child. And, while born on a military base in North Carolina, Angie lived in nearby Jefferson County until they married in 1987.
Angie’s love of gardening stems from her great-grandmother, who grew huge sunflowers and tomatoes and hydrangeas, in downtown Louisville. She also loves to tell everyone who’ll listen that she’s a 6th generation Kentuckian, and her 6-times great grandfather came to this state with Squire Boone. He has the oldest known burial spot in Fort Knox!
